3 Toxic Ways That Make You Unhappy

3 toxic ways that make you unhappy

Toxic people, bad experiences, and adversity are not the only reasons for unhappiness. It starts with ourselves more often than we think. We repeat our toxic habits without thinking about why they have become a part of our lives. And instead of analyzing or changing them, we blame bad luck and sink into bitterness.

Of course,  it is impossible to always be happy. However, it is possible to always maintain a certain level of mental balance and well-being. It’s easy when things are going well, but it gets a lot trickier when there are obstacles ahead, or when we face adversity. Because of our own unavailability, we continue to pursue these toxic practices, the more difficult we make them to stop. This is how we get stuck in a disgusting spiral.

Toxic habits that eat energy

Many of us identify with the toxic habits listed below. It’s interesting because they become a part of our lives, but we don’t notice their negative impact. One of these human ways is to want something you can’t get. We underestimate what we have and just want more. When we realize we don’t need more to be happy, we don’t become bitter and sad.

Or it could be the complete opposite: mental stagnation. In this case, you do not go forward or backward. You get stuck in your comfort zone, which prevents you from growing, evolving, advancing, and feeling satisfied. Why can’t we get out of there? Because of fear? Why are we so insecure? When you are honest with yourself and meditate on these things, you will find your way out of your own inmate prison.

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Another common toxic habit is living on autopilot, i.e., ignoring or not enjoying the present. We walk through the day without stopping to think about what we are doing. It’s like walking through the woods without realizing how beautiful the environment is. We drift away from reality, and forget to enjoy this moment.

And don’t forget important needs that we often overlook: eating and sleeping well. When you eat poorly, it has a direct effect on your mood. It eats up energy from our self-confidence. Similarly, if you don’t sleep well, you won’t feel good and you won’t do your job well.

Emotions house ventilation

The worst habit: pretending to be a victim

We have saved the most toxic way last. The one with the greatest consequences in our relationship: pretending to be a victim. For many, it is a way to get attention in addition to many other benefits. But it also includes many other ways that push you towards feeling unhappy.

When you act like a victim, you cling to all the negative emotions you are trying to overcome. We need them to be pityed and to avoid taking responsibility for the things that happen to us. But when we close our eyes and nurture negativity, we also allow anger and negativity to take over our hearts.

the brain is like a flower on fire

Denial of truth

Associated with this horrible negativity; when reality is not what we would like, we turn our backs and deny its existence. But that doesn’t stop it from being true. It continues to be, no matter how hard we try not to see it, and when the time is right, it strikes hard against the face.

Victimization always involves blaming others. We are never personally responsible for what happens, and even if we are, we try to turn it around and behave like martyrs. As an example, if we don’t pass the test well, there’s never our own reason we didn’t study enough, or that we couldn’t focus. The teacher made this more difficult.


In summary, there are many toxic ways that we carry with us in our daily lives, and with which we must continue on different paths if we want to be well. Undoubtedly, the latest – sacrifice – is the most difficult. When you are not self-critical and do not accept your mistakes, you cannot become aware of the ways that make you unhappy.

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