3 Breathing Exercises To Help You Relax

3 breathing exercises to help you relax

Stress is one of the biggest problems in modern life. Many of us feel busy, exhausted and overwhelmed by overtime. Therefore, it is now more important than ever to learn breathing exercises that will help you relax.

People have noticed a connection between breathing and relaxation for thousands of years. According to experts, people in the Western world do not breathe orthodoxly.

It leads to all kinds of problems, both mental and physical health. In this article, we are going to show you the best breathing exercises to help you relax. You can start doing them today.

a woman tries a breathing exercise under a tree

Can everyone do breathing exercises?

Some people think they need to learn disciplined sports like yoga or meditation in order to use breathing as a means of relaxation. But the truth could not have been sought any further. With the right exercise, anyone can enjoy the benefits of breathing exercises.

The only thing you need to do is spend some time each day doing the breathing exercises we are going to go through now. Spending five minutes each day doing the exercise of your choice is in many cases well enough for you to start seeing its benefits.

The three best breathing exercises

In this article, you will learn three breathing exercises. Each one has been proven to work and is used by thousands of people around the world. They are:

  • Alternative nasal breathing
  • Three-stage breathing
  • Breath counting

Things to consider before you begin

To get the most out of these three exercises, you need to do them the right way. So here are the instructions:

  • Take a comfortable position. You can lie on your back or sit with your back straight.
  • Keep loose clothing that does not tighten any part of your body and allow your body to move freely.
  • Do the exercises in a place where no one will bother you. Somewhere away from noise and distractions.
  • Try to fill your diaphragm as you inhale, instead of lifting your shoulders. This is known as deep breathing.
woman enjoys nature

Exercise 1: alternative nasal breathing

The first relaxation breathing exercise is the only exercise in which air passes in and out through your nose without using your mouth at all. The basic idea here is to inhale through one nostril and exhale through another. You change the order for each breath.

All you have to do is follow these easy steps:

  • When you are in a comfortable position and in a place where there are no distractions, bring your better hand to your nose. Use it to pinch your nostrils with your index finger and thumb.
  • Cover your right nostril with one finger and inhale through the left. Take a long and deep breath. Then cover your left nostril and release the right one, and let everything without air go out through it.
  • With the next breath, start inhaling through the right nostril and then exhale through the left. Alternate the nostrils for five minutes.

Exercise 2: three-stage breathing

The second exercise involves three different stages: inhaling, holding your breath, and exhaling. Breaking it down this way will help you get better control over your breathing. It can also help you inhale much deeper.

To do this exercise correctly, it is important to do each step in proportion to the others. So if you inhale for two seconds, you should hold your breath for four seconds and exhale for six seconds. You can make the steps longer, but always remember the same relationship.

woman doing breathing exercise in nature

Exercise 3: Breathing

The last breathing exercise is related to alertness. This is a technique that can help you be more present, both as you do it and in your daily life.

Here’s its idea: when you’re ready to start exercising, start breathing in and out slowly and in a controlled manner. But every time you inhale, start mental counting. Your goal is to get a hundred breaths in a row without interruption.

It may seem easy, but it really isn’t. Even if you don’t get close to a hundred breaths, doing this exercise will help you relax and feel more present.

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